Rochelle 24th August 2018

I will never forget you telling me you were pregnant in march. You were so suprised and still on shock and denial! I remember you doing tests after test every day just to make sure it was real demanding the hospital and doctors do ine every time aswell lol. I was there when you had to go through some crap on your own struggling but we were both pregnant and both blossoming! Ive never seen you so happy!!!! The joy in your eyes listening to you making some pretty scary life changes making sure you and baby bean would be taken care of as it was just you and them. Hearing you scream with joy at having a little girl !! The happiness when you told me her name, seeing the clothes you'd bought her the pram you wanted and me showing you my things too. You were there when I lost my baby boy.....and I hope I can be there for you just as much. Your send off for eliza rose was beautiful you make her so proud and I know how much you miss her and want to be with her. But you are stronger than you think. Lots of love and kisses for eliza rose rest in peace sweet one xxxxxxx And lots of love to you natalie you did this all on your own and should be so proud of everything you've done for eliza and continue to do nobody can take that away from you. Her photos are beautiful don't be afraid to share the raw colour ones either she's beautiful. Xxxxxxx